VicSRC The VicSRC is a democratic network of student reprsemtative councils in Victoria. The VicSRC is working to strengthen SRCs, so that they can speak and act on behalf of secondary students in schools and throughout Victoria. |
NSW State SRC Statewide peak organisation of Student Representative Councils in NSW – supported by the NSW Department of Education |
Connect Connect is a small bi-monthly magazine supporting student participation. It has been published since 1979. It celebrated its 30th birthday at the end of 2009! Connect also produces a range of small publications about student participatory approaches. Connect is a publication for teachers, students, parents, administrators, researchers, consultants – anyone interested in active student participation. It is a totally independent publication, funded only by subscriptions. |
Civics and Citizenship Education Sponsored by the federal Department for Education and Training this website contains resources, and information, for teachers, students and parents involved in civics and citizenship education |
School Councils UK School Councils UK is an independent charity which promotes and facilitates effective structures for pupil participation in every school in the UK. |
Policy @ School This is a resource for students and teachers that aims to involve students in the policy-making process. |
Parents Victoria Parents Victoria provides parents with a voice, presenting an organised parent perspective to State and Federal Governments, educational bureaucracies and institutions, community organisations and the media. |
YouthLaw Youthlaw is the first specialist young people’s community legal centre in Victoria, providing free and confidential legal advice to young people up to the age of 25. |
Student Youth Network (SYN FM) Student/Youth media organisation that operates a full-time Melbourne community radio station – 90.7 FM and 5 hours of live television per week – Channel 31. |
Youth Affairs Council of Victoria (YACVic) The Youth Affairs Council of Victoria Inc. (YACVic) is the peak body and leading policy advocate on young people’s issues in Victoria. |