Public speaking is a very challenging skill and yet one that almost all careers will call upon at least once. The majority of people still shrink away in fear when the term is spoken whereas those who can confidently take the stage become highly sought after.
In schools it is often the case that only a few students capitalise on the opportunities that presented to them to develop this skill, and they are often those who need it least. Your students should be taking as many opportunities for public or in school presentations as humanly possible. It also helps you show the true potential of the students you are working with.
People pushed on to stage without having had the opportunity to build their skills and confidence in a safe environment tend to have a bad experience and never want to do it again. We work hard to create a safe and encouraging setting where students quickly grow full ownership of the stage and often even the meekest can command an audience by the end.
Our training packages give any student, whether in a leadership position or not, the chance to overcome fear and deliver a competent speech both in content and in presentation style including an advanced focus on body language.
To Make an Application for a Training Day Please Click Here